Amazon App Notifier 2.0-BETA
The app is available on Google Play.
Will also be available to download from F-Droid once out of beta status
Version: 2.0-BETA
Amazon App Notifier is a free and open source notification manager for providing notifications for the free app of the day on theAmazon Appstore.
Developer: Derek (Skylark95)
This app requires the following permissions. Permissions labeled with _“optional”_ can be changed in settings to no longer be used.
- Full Network Access: Optional, Used for downloading app data for the free app of the day
- Google Play Billing Service: Will be used in the future for accepting donations
- View Network Connections: Optional, Needed to see if device is offline before downloading app data.
- Run At Startup: Optional, will show notification at startup
- Control Vibration: Optional, vibrate when notification fires
- Prevent Phone from Sleeping: Allows the notification to display even if the device is sleeping
Donations are always appreciated for supporting development of this app.
Donations are currently not enabled in the app but you can donate $1 now by purchasing the old version of this app below:
Help & How To
Consider this section on my TODO list.
Code Statistics
See page at
Open Source Tools
Special thanks to the following for making this huge update possible:
- ActionBarSherlock
- CommonsWare Android Components
- Jackson JSON Processor
- PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser
- Maven Android Plugin
- Maven Android SDK Deployer
- Robolectric
- Mockito
Bug Reports
I’ll be honest and say this beta release was put together somewhat quickly due to the previous version breaking…
If you find bugs that my current scope of testing didn’t seem to catch
Please email me ( if you find any bugs or report them on the GitHub project page
Planned updates
These are updates I have planned for the future.
As I work full time and writing Android apps just a hobby of mine I try my best to
add more features but make no guarantees on the amount of time it will take for updates
- If device is offline try notification again a few times (Planned fix for showing device offline when starting the phone)
- Options to filter by more categories
- Some potential suggestions I receive from users
Version 2.0-BETA – 4/8/2013
Early beta release of newly rewritten app due to recent changes on Amazon breaking notifications for previous versions
Completely rewritten with new UI and open source
Expandable notifications for Android Jellybean
Option to filter for apps with category “Games” (more category filters are planned)
Currently known bugs:
App developer section of notification sometimes shows private policy after the developer name
Please email me ( if you find any bugs or report them on the GitHub project page
Version 1.0.4 – 9/22/2012
Small bug fix affecting free version
Version 1.0.3 – 9/21/2012
If Appstore not found on phone, clicking notification redirects to download page
Fix startup crash on some phones
Version 1.0.2 – 9/21/2012
Added Option to disable vibrate
Version 1.0.1 – 08/13/2012
Fixed notifications not appearing on some phones (4.0 ICS, 4.1 Jelly Bean)
Increased timeout for reading app name and price to 30 seconds (Less error downloading data messages on a slow connection)
Fixed notification so when clicked on it launches the appstore on the main store page instead of the last open view (Get to downloading your free app faster!)
Works great on my new Nexus 7! 🙂
Version 1.0 – 05/16/2012
Initial release